During posting as Inspector In charge of RPF/Post/Cuttack the amble of RPF was reached at utmost significant . Being the in charge of RPF/Post/CTC he also urged a high level achievement and in the year-2021-2022 as mentioned below:

- RP (UP) Case detected – 19 Cases with arrest of 27 offenders and recovery of Stolen Rly Property valued Rs-86,200/-
- Rly Act case detected-483 out of which 390 cases has disposed off.
- Disposed off 50Nos old RP(UP) cases and 14 Railway act old cases with made co-ordinaton with judicial Department. 4.) On 08.12.2021 recovered 04 Nos. of bags containing illigal hardcash of amount 24,50,000/with arrest of 01 person and handed over to Income tax/ Bhubaneswar. 5.)Detected illegal transportation of Ganja for 05 times with recovery of 64. 1kg Ganga valued Rs. 638000/approx with arrest of 06 out siders. besides this his dedication towards serving of home less and poor people during Pandemic COVID19 period he tried to brought a enthusiasm to fight against the pandemic by serving the people by distributing the foods to 20000 homeless people, 500 packet Rasan as well as 300 umbrellas among them which brings a memorable image of Railway Protection force among the public