Bhubaneswar, March 18: Onco surgeons at the Institute of Medical Sciences and SUM Hospital, faculty of medicine of Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Deemed to be University (SOA) here, have conducted a rare and complex surgery to remove a portion of the cancer affected lung of a 45-year-old woman.
The woman, who had been ailing for some time and coughing blood, had been initially diagnosed as a case of tuberculosis in another hospital before she came to the IMS and SUM Hospital for treatment.
She came to the Department of Pulmonary Medicine and was under the treatment of Prof. (Dr.) Banani Jena and Prof. (Dr.) Rakhi Ludum who diagnosed her problem to be lung cancer. She was subsequently referred to the hospital’s Onco Surgery department.
“We identified her case to be of Mucoepidermoid Cancer of the left main bronchus involving left upper lober bronchus,” Dr. Sunil Agrawal, Head of the department of Onco Surgery said.
Dr. Agrawal, who led the team of surgeons during the surgery, said this kind of cancer is rare and occurs in one person in 20 lakh.
After being counseled, the patient underwent the more than five hour surgery in which Dr. Saravana Rajamanickam, a Surgical Oncologist with special focus on Lung cancer at the Thangam Cancer Center in Tamilnadu, extended his guidance.
The affected portion of the lung was completely removed which is known as ‘Sleeve Recession’, Dr. Agrawal, who had received advanced training in this type of surgery in Sanghai in China last year, said.
“The hospital had procured the necessary high end instruments for the purpose which enabled us to take up the surgery,” he said while thanking the SOA Founder President Prof. (Dr.) Manojranjan Nayak and the Medical Superintendent Prof. (Dr.) Pusparaj Samantasinhar for their continuous encouragement and support.
The patient was discharged from the hospital after seven days and was doing fine, Dr. Agrawal said.
The surgeons who were involved in the surgery included Dr. Santosh Singh, Professor in the department of Critical Care, Dr. Saswat Pattnaik, Head of department of anesthesia, Dr. Sudam Sarangi, Dr. Snehasish Pradhan, Dr. Amit Samal, all Associate Professors, and Dr. Shyam Hariharan, Assistant Professor in the department of Onco Surgery.