Accused persons Sarmista Rout, Jhuna Bhoi, Niranjan Sethi and Raj@Ranjan Nayak are on five days police remand. During the remand period the accused persons put to sustained interrogation by team of officer of CID CB.
During interrogation the accused Ranjan Nayak confessed to have have kidnapped the deceased Manas Swain from Palaspur under Chandbali PS dist-Bhadrak alongwith mastermind Sarmistha Rout, Jhuna Bhoi, Bhagyadhar Nayak , Nilu@ Bibek in the car of Sarmistha Rout and brought him to Dayal Ashram under Airfield Police Station BBSR. They assaulted him brutally at the Ashram. Niranjan Sethi had also assaulted the deceased in the Ashram. After his death they had shifted the dead body of Manas Swain in the car of Sarmistha Rout and disposed the dead body under Ranpur PS limit district Nayagarh.

After disposal of the dead body they proceeded to a place located on the side of Daitari –Paradeep express High way about two kilometres from Chandikhole. There they burnt the belongings like One mobile ear phone, One pair chappal of the deceased Manas , and jute sack in which they had wrapped the dead body and saree and had thrown the spade and gainti used for digging and burring the dead body in the nearby bush. Basing on the statement of Ranjan Nayak, IO, official witnesses on requisition and scientific team proceeded to the place led by him on 31.3.2022 morning. From the spot One half-burnt mobile ear phone ( belonging to deceased Manas Swain)2-One pair half-burnt chappal ( belonging to deceased Manas Swain) 3-One Spade 4-One Gainti 5-One half-burnt jute sack 6-One half-burnt saree have been seized being shown and identified by the accused Raj@Ranjan Nayak.
Further interrogation and investigation is in progress.