
On the basis of reliable information, a team of STF conducted raid with the
help of Bolangir Forest Officials on 7.04.2022 night on the public road of v illage
Ainlapalli under Tusura PS Dist. Bolangir regarding dealing/possession of wildlife
products by wildlife criminals, as a result of which two wildlife criminals namely
Hemasagar Mahananda S/O Goura Mahananda of Vill: Khaliapalli, PS/Dist.:
Bolangir and Laxmidhar Naik S/O Dhoba Naik Vill: Ainapalli, PS: Tusura Dist:
Bolangir were apprehended.
During search one live Pangolin weighing 11 kg and other incriminating
materials were recovered from their possession. The accused persons could not
produce any authority in support of possession of possession of such Pangolin
Scales, for which they have been detained and handed over to Bolangir Forest
Officials for necessary legal action at their end. The live Pangolin was also handed
over to DFO, Bolangir for safe custody. Enquiry is going on.
The Indian Pangolin (Bajrakapata in odia) is a solitary, shy, slow moving,
nocturnal mammal. It is a Schedule-I protected animal under Wild Life Protection
Act, 1972, which provides absolute protection-offences under these are
prescribed for the highest penalties.
Special drive against the wildlife criminals/poachers is continuing. Till date
STF has seized as many as 26 Nos. of leopard skin, 15 Nos. of elephant task, 7 Nos.
of deer skins, 12 Nos. of live pangolin, 23.5kg of pangolin scales, 2 Nos. of leopard
teeth, 29 Nos. of leopard claws, 46 Nos. of live wild parrot with arrest of 63 Nos. of wildlife criminals.

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